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The Manual High School Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc., a nonprofit has been established exclusively for educational, charitable and civic purposes to maintain the traditions of Manual High School (MHS). Also helping provide support for MHS through its Alumni and community to generate and maintain the active interest of MHS students. Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc. is a organization with diversity and pride in the heritage of our Alma mater.
Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc. will support MHS students, senior citizens and the community financially and through volunteerism by various endeavors and initiatives including fundraising and community efforts. The organization will provide opportunities for MHS alumni and community to assemble and maintain relationships through the promotion of Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc. events and school activities. The organization will strive to promote and sustain MHS alumni and community involvement in school programs. To provide social, business and charitable opportunities for our MHS community.
Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc., a nonprofit organization is organized: (i) To support Manual High School (“MHS”) and to generate and maintain the active interests of students; (ii) To support MHS through scholarships and volunteerism by various endeavors and initiatives, including fundraising and community related activities; (iii) To provide opportunities for MHS alumni and community to assemble and maintain relationships through events and activities; (iv) To promote and sustain MHS alumni involvement in school programs and events for our MHS community; and (v) To provide support information services to seniors through endeavors such as housing, food distribution, education, transportation and other community support.
Encourage and empower Manual students, to achieve academic excellence and assist senior citizens and MHS community.
Every Manual student obtains a five star education that gives them the ability to reach their full potential. To assist senior citizens and MHS community.
The History of Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc.
The humble beginnings of Manual T-Bolt Alumni Nation organization started in, December 8, 2012, while attending the memorial services of the former Red Shield Athletic Director Anthony (Tony) Sandoval, where we all had played basketball during our youth, growing up in the neighborhood.
After the services were over, we were involved in a conversation between the original seven of us (Julius Benford, Larry “Fat Joe” Bryant, Herman Goggins, Tommy Harris, Wade Owens, Tim Scott, and John Williams) and we concluded that we were tired of seeing each other only during funerals and memorial services and decided we needed to do something about it.
During that time, we were not sure what that something would be and decided that we should start meeting once a month for breakfast to fellowship and talk about the good times growing up together in school, to share memories and to talk about current events in our city, state, nation, and the world.
We shared ideas about how to grow and further our organization’s membership because there had to be others who wanted to share in our experience and brotherhood, and we could see each other while we were all still living.
It all started by the word of mouth until we reached our high watermark of over 80 members at one point in about a year and a half and little did we know what it would grow to become, as we did things like putting on free BBQs in the park for our members, family and friends and eventually started paying membership dues to help fund some of our visions and activities.
We have since taken on a new direction and identity, in which we have fundraisers for an annual neighborhood Party-n-Park at City Park first Saturday in August; support Daddy Bruce’s annual Thanksgiving dinner giveaway; host a New Year’s Eve Gala fundraiser; support the Manual High School girls basketball team; boys football team; two scholarship to Manual High School Seniors and supporting school curriculum such as the reading program. We have formed a great relationship with the Manual High School. We also provided educational and troubleshooting on 3D printing at McAuliffe Manual Middle school.
Initially we started as a male organization and evolved to include array of dedicated women, who’s passionate participation has enhanced the organization to make us a very strong, formidable, and cohesive unit through teamwork which we are proud to say.
On December 13, 2022, we became Manual Thunderbolt Alumni Nation Inc. a 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit.
Mr. Tommy Harris, President
Mr. Timothy Scott, Vice President
Mr. Herman Goggins, Vice President
Mr. Rickey Harris, Chairman
Ms. Sophronia Harris, Treasurer
Ms. Karen King, Secretary
Marketing Manager
Mr. Melvyn Wright
Scholarship Coordinator
Ms. Paulette McIntosh
Donors & Sponsors Coordinators
Mr. Greg Mosley
Mr. Allan Sledge
Pastor John Conway
Sergeant of Arms
Ms. Frances Rosborough
Web Administrator
Mr. Paul Braddoca Sr.